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Saturday, July 23, 2005


Miracles are a good sign to know that beyond what we see, there is actually someone who is in control, and is helping us to pull through it. Who could it be? In magic tricks (which are different from miracles), the magician is the one who does all the work. What about miracles? For small things, we'd say it might be our teachers, friends, parents, or even by our own courage that we managed to pull through. But who gives us all these? For big things, like "How has the universe 'survived' for so long?", even scientists are still searching for the answers. It truly is a greater power than anyone of us can imagine who would be able to do these. Is it really God? And if so, would we dare to even ask "If you are God and You do all these great things, can you prove Your existence with a miracle?"

The Bible mentions this statement in reply "Do not put the Lord your God to the test". Then what have we to mention about miracles? I admit that it is not as dramatic these days as it was when Moses (as in Prince of Egypt Moses) parted the Red Sea. However, each person who has lived thus far is a miracle. Each person who has changed from a dark past to someone people now call "different" (in a good sense) is a miracle. Each person who came out of a disaster alive is a miracle. What about the sufferings on the flip side? I believe there is a purpose for everything. We can't answer every question. But there is someone behind it all, and even bringing comfort and love where such is needed.

Miracles do happen. And it is in our very lives, when we survive through every difficult situation that I call it a miracle. And each time you "survive" a situation, I believe it is not just knowing it had been a miracle. It is also thanking the One who sustained you through it: God

g r a c e
10:32 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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