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Monday, October 09, 2006

God is in Control

This is another one of my favourite choruses..

"God is in control, we believe that His children
will not be forsaken
God is in control, we will choose to remember
and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside him
we know O God is in control..."

---Twila Paris

g r a c e
5:09 PM

Saturday, October 07, 2006

humble and gentle

Being humble does not mean one is weak
Being humble does not mean that we are poor in
knowledge, or in skill, or in speech
Being humble means that we know
we're not the greatest
It means we know there's always
new things we can learn
It means we are willing to learn from everyone
It means we're willing to be corrected at anytime

Being gentle does not make one sissy
It's not just the softness of a lady
For a great and mighty man can be gentle too
Our strengths can be used at the right time
But when it comes to the poor in spirit,
or at times when someone has been so bad our heart can't handle it
That's when mercy comes in

In times of difficulty, that's where we are tested whether we're really gentle, humble, or meek. Whether we had really loved or cared as much as we had promised to be...

Though I fail so often to live as such, this is the desire of how I wish to be.. someone who is as humble, gentle, loving, and caring.. and most of all, this is surely possible for I can do it when secure in Christ's perfect love.

God bless.

g r a c e
8:02 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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