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Monday, May 29, 2006


Went out to the park with my brother this afternoon. He cycled while I walked and ran after him trying to keep him in view. Most of the way, it was alright till we were almost at the park. I saw him stop right in front of a pick-up which had just turned in to the road we were on. The pick-up stopped. But from where I was, it was quite frightening to see my brother almost cycling into the big vehicle. Thankfully, he stopped in time.

Was also reading some part of my textbook on GERD. Some form of gastric distress. I have thought it was a simple thing. But the complications can result in death! Well, thankfully, the complications are fairly rare.

I guess, we really ought to be thankful for our lives... So often are we prone to die. So often are we close to losing our loved ones. I believe it is God's mercy we can carry on living, and even have second chances at areas where mistakes were made before.

Truly, thanks be to God! :)

g r a c e
8:00 PM

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Oral Health

Just saw this in a leaflet for Dentiste...

It gives information about morning bad breath..

During the day, our bodies use a natural self-cleansing system which produces saliva to kill bacteria in our mouth effectively. On the other hand, during the night:
  1. With less saliva being produced, fewer activities and warm temperature inside our mouth, the conditions are perfect for oral bacteria to increase in numbers.
  2. We do not clean our teeth and tongue thoroughly. The food debris that are trapped and accumulated between our teeth and on our tongue are the main source of oral bacteria.
  3. Stress and lack of sleep lead to a weaker immune system and a better environment for bacteria to grow. These oral bacteria can cause many serious oral problems such as gum diseases, plaque build-up, cavities and sensitive teeth pain.

So.. Here are some ways to protect your oral health:

  1. Brush and clean your teeth thoroughly to remove food debris and plaque, which are sources of bacteria.
  2. Floss your teeth every night before going to bed.
  3. Brush and clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth.
  4. See your dentist twice a year.
  5. Drink water before going to bed.
  6. Sleep at least 6-8 hours a night and avoid stress.
  7. Use a product that can help prevent oral problems and stop bacteria.


There, a whole list to help you to protect your teeth!


g r a c e
8:50 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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