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Saturday, December 03, 2005

A Bug's Life

Yep! Just watched "A Bug's Life".

A show about an ant who decided to make a difference in his colony, and save them from the endless demands and threats of the grasshoppers. What was even more special was that the ant, Flick, had made many mistakes before. He had disappointed his colony, and the queen, and the princess many times. Until they even told him to leave the colony forever.

However, there was Dot who didn't give up on Flick. That's because she new there was something special about Flick. She trusted him even though he may have disappointed everyone a couple of times.

Lets look at Flick again.
-A disappointment, because he made mistakes
-One who still pushed on because he had hope

Many of us make mistakes in our lives. Some of us let go of these more easily than others. I'm as some of you know, one of those who don't get by my mistakes as easily. At a point where a mistake is made, I would be disappointed with myself, and at such a time feel really upset. Nonetheless there is always hope of a second chance. Indeed, it is painful to suffer from the results of a mistake, or even our own deliberate wrongdoings. But as these happen and we learn from it, we can hope for brighter days.

Lets look at Dot now..
-Was also trying to make a difference in the colony
-But felt a little useless
-Had encouragement of Flick
-Also stood by Flick when Flick was down

She has a wonderful character. And is another I look up to in this show besides Flick. Flick shared with her that even though she was small, she could still make a difference in the colony. She has shown us that in times of trouble she does not give up on even someone who has done much wrong. And continued to ask Flick to try again.


Many of us like Flick desire people like Dot to appreciate us and pull us together again when we're down and out. That is very natural.

But when we see another who's made a mistake, would we choose to be like Dot who wouldn't give up, and choose to believe that every individual should be given a second chance so long as he is alive? Yes, lets not forget the needs of someone going through the difficulty of overcoming a mistake made, and be understanding towards those who are struggling. Lets stand by one another in both good and bad times. :)

g r a c e
9:41 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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