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Tuesday, June 27, 2006


haha! yea, I am attached to unity now. Some of you have been very encouraging, and I really appreciate that. Working in a pharmacy, be it in retail, or hospital, has been a dream! The last two days were rather interesting. Got to meet the sales assistants, the pharmacists, and learn some things in managing the store. Chen may and I also saw some products that we've never seen before. So basically it has been like this over the last two days. Still feeling a little concerned about whether all these things can be learnt in 6 weeks. What I'm thankful for now is that the staff are friendly and patient with us. so yea.. thank God! :)

g r a c e
7:59 PM

Thursday, June 22, 2006


have changed all my guitar strings.

Going to begin my attachment soon. All I can say is that there's this great fear in my heart that I won't be up to standard. But I will try my best. And with the strength that God gives, new things can be learnt and mastered. yea!

g r a c e
11:33 AM

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

the new has come

It's so traumatising I decided to stop after one..

It began when I told cal that I'd like to start changing all the rest of my guitar strings since I'd already changed one at amanda's place. But as I changed it, it felt horrid! ok, I'm a bad guitarist. Cos by right, if I changed one string, I would have to change all the rest, and also I should change them all regulary or something like that. But besides my D string, I've not changed any of the rest of them all these 6 years++ since the guitar was bought!! And I guess all those strings are so good! It was so hard to say goodbye to that string but it was too late, I had already removed it and placed a new one in its place. Will the new be as good as the old was? It does look nice.. but does it last? oh!!!!! my string!!

haha.. oh well, such is life.. we can't hang on to the old too much. but hey! all kinds of things change, but not God.. yay! oh yea, when we become a christian, it seems we also say "the old has gone, the new has come".. Initially its kinda hard to let go of the past. To start anew. But its only for our good.. Because God knows what He's doing. Thankfully its not like a bunch of guitar strings where you dont know if the new will be better than the old. Instead this new life in Christ is garunteed great! Not say it will be a smooth sailing life and all things are "as I want it to be". But at least we'll know where we're going in the end -- a great place. Thank You Lord! :)

g r a c e
12:56 AM

Friday, June 09, 2006


something happened in the week that touched me deeply. seeing this person who hated the other quite a fair bit comfort her, surely, this change of heart from hatred to love and acceptance is not the work of man, but the work of God..


g r a c e
11:16 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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