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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

O Worship the King!

Two papers down! and two more to go! weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Studying for the first two was so depressing and painful. Like memorizing something that I had doubts of whether they'll remain in my head! However, something I'm thankful for was that in the midst of all these, God reminded me of Him. In some of my notes, I'll write words like "With Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm", or "God is my Master".. And there was one part of my pharmacology notes where I wrote, "O worship the King!" Yes! Even in the difficulties of studying, I will worship Him! Without Christ I'm nothing!

Few days before the first paper, I sat in my room thinking of how far I've gone since young, especially since I came to NUS, pharmacy school. It has been so tough, yet I've only failed one test I think. But have never failed any modules. That in itself is God's miracle in my life. I'm not like my peers in school who are smart, and have good memory, and are relatively independent. I'm weak, afraid to be alone, and often am tempted to just give up everything and run away from difficulties.

That was exactly what I felt the few days before my first paper. But slowly and surely, God reminded me that He is working in my life. These words came to my heart as I travelled to school for the first paper, "It does not matter whether I pass. Even if I do not, I already have the most wonderful gift. And that is God's wonderful gift of salvation. I can lose all things in this world, for I have already gained an eternity in God's Kingdom where at that time, there'll be no more sin, and no more rebellion."

Such greatness! Therefore, let us worship the King, Jesus Christ who reigns forever more.

"O worship the King, all glorious above
O gratefully sing His wonderful love
Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days
Pavilioned in splender, and girded with praise"
----Christ Tomlin

g r a c e
8:26 PM

Friday, November 17, 2006

I will trust in Him with all my heart

This semester is finally coming to an end. We finished our last test yesterday, and to most of us, even that did not end well. I remember someone said to me that "This is not even the exams!" And I have to agree with her. We are desperate. It's really tough to memorize those things though it was interesting when going through the lectures....

Some of you have heard me share this. But for the benefit of all, and to glorify my Lord, I shall share it here..

Two days before my last test, I sat at my desk tired from the past few months. Attachment, then school, and now near the exams. Not just with school work, but there were other issues weighing my heart down as well. Most of which I cannot disclose which makes it even harder to handle.

There I sat feeling like I was walking in the desert. Full of sand all around and dried up. Then I fell to the sand. Dead tired and simply unable to move on anymore. There and then it seemed that God showed me in my mind a hand coming from the sky with water in it. That reminded me that only He can strengthen me and yes in all that I felt, I needed water. Not plain water from the tap, but living water from Jesus Christ Himself. I know I had spent time in prayer each day. But it had become shorter and simpler and became a ritual. Then I realized I had merely smelled or brought that living water close to my mouth, but never really drank it. Probably because in my journey in life, I simply was too worried about what was ahead and wanted to keep on going to see what's next (just like when we play games or watch shows we want to keep on going to the end). So that left me neglecting the importance of being strengthened by God. I was perhaps godly but not filled with power from above.

Jesus' words before He left was "I have overcome the world". I am weak, but He is strong.

Exams are coming!!!! All the best to those taking exams too..

God bless. :)

g r a c e
1:00 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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