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Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Some of you close to me would know this story. Four people (A, B, C, and D) were playing a game. In this game, there are 9 sets of cards. Each set has four cards. At the end of the game, the one with the most sets win. At the end of a particular round, A had 4 sets, B had 2 sets, C had 2 sets, and D had only 1 set of cards. So in logical common sense, A won the game. But as "bored" people with nothing better to do, they decided to combine the cards B and C had. So B and C put together was now having 4 sets of cards. This would put them on par with A (who if you remember, had 4 sets of cards). Now D is given a choice which side to join. If D adds his cards to A, then he would win together with A. If he combined his cards with B and C, he would win too. What should he do?

Did you guess it? He said, "I will split my set to half so I can give 2 cards to A, and 2 cards to B and C." This caused a draw on both sides. Of course, it might seem like a ridiculous incident, but truly, does getting the most praises and the first prize mean you won? Does being a wealthy person with a smooth business make you a winner?

There are many things of greater value than the first prize, or praises people can sing to you, or having power to control people... For example, one may win a competition, but alas, he does not have friends to share his joy with. On the other hand, the one coming in 5th place got to go off for a great celebration with his friends. Also, one may be rich and in control of a good business. But has no peace in life. A poor family elsewhere makes do with what they have, and live in warmth and comfort coming from the love among them all.

Being a winner is not just about the honor one gets of being at the top. When you have realized that you will not be stressed and most probably not fall into the 'kiasu' syndrome anymore; and even better, be at peace with all men.

Well, I must admit that this is still not enough to complete the picture of being a winner. And as some may not like to hear this, I must still say that Jesus Christ is a must for one to be a true winner. For it is in Christ, that we can have peace and joy that gives us the strength to overcome many difficult times in life... :)

g r a c e
11:20 PM

Friday, August 12, 2005


Today, we had our first "Pharmacy Law" lecture. I agree with people who believe that learning law is at times like learning common sense. And if so, why do people bother to document it, and even make it a module? This so called common sense is actually what we all have in-built in us. And to some extent, we also call it our conscience.

Unfortunately, we humans in our own weaknesses tend to want to neglect this conscience that we have. We do have common sense to know the right and wrong. But sometimes for the sake of convenience, we choose to avoid that inner voice and do things in a way that is against the common sense. And soon everyone's common sense is of a different standard. For example, to Mr A, it is alright to litter, but this is wrong to Mr B. So, laws are needed to set a standard to what is right and what is wrong.

Another thing we have heard about laws is that laws protect us. Protect from what? One factor mentioned in today's lecture was that we tend to face temptations. Whether it be as a pharmacist, a teacher, a parent, a student... Anyone would face temptation when placed in a position where he/she is given the freewill to choose what to do with what is given to him or her. There are many laws that tell us what acts are wrong, and warn us so we can avoid those mistakes!

Think about it this way: Some of the MRT stations in Singapore have no railing to prevent people from jumping off the platform to the train track (whatever that is called). People standing on the platform can just have the liberty to jump onto the track either out of curiosity or some other reasons. So, there is a rule (though I don't know if it is a law) that people should not go across the yellow line painted some distance from the edge of the train track. It is a warning. At least if you're tempted to jump onto those tracks, you are warned that something bad would happen if you do. This would certainly make one think twice before doing something against the common sense.

The same applies for other laws. They serve as warnings for us. So laws that tell us things like stealing and murdering is wrong are not just common sense laws. They are reminders for everyone, and a basis for us to literally live happily together. I believe there are much more to talk about laws. But will stop here.... :)

g r a c e
7:01 PM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


There's a garden in my house. For many years, it was just occupied by weeds and creepers. One day, dad removed all the weeds, and began his farming in this small garden. He started with seeds in cotton wool. Then transferred them to small pots. And then transferred the seedlings to the garden. (oh yes, it was vegetables he was growing) He prepared his homemade pesticide and planted spring onions around the baby plants. Oh the dear things. Every now and then he would ask us to pull out the weeds. All was to protect the plants. Not that I helped much (oops), but the days went by....

One day, I opened the door and looked out. The veggies were up to my knees!!!! They were such a lovely sight I almost cried. As you know, I didn't help out much. So I didn't look at the plants everyday. Only every now and then. Once, the garden was a patch of weeds. Now, it is a patch of vegetables which is somewhat edible, but it sure is beautiful!

Sometimes in life we feel nobody understands us, and our difficulties. We feel like we're stuck in the mud. Like the patch of weeds. And even I feel like that at times when afraid of the future. Well, the weeds in the garden went through a powerful makeover to be converted into a beautiful patch of vegetables. All done by dad's hard work. In our lives, our heavenly Father helps us to remove the "weeds". Like a garden, removing the weeds is painful as it requires a lot of plucking away of the weeds and softening the soil. When the soil is ready and fertile, the seed can be sowed.

Are you ready for a change of heart? Ready to trust your life into a heavenly Father who would change the weeds in your life to a beautiful patch of plants?

g r a c e
11:30 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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