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Saturday, October 29, 2005


There have been lots of things happening and there's hardly enough time to complete the many tasks given. Fortunately, and thankfully there are really wonderful people around being encouraging and supporting through and through. I thank God for all of you. Espcially for reminding me time and again to always trust and hope in God. :)


Well, this post is not just to say my many thanks. Its also to say something that struck me a few days ago. It was this statement made in a documentry about children and love. I don't really know what show it was as it was about to end when I turned on the TV. But one phrase caught my attention: "Life is precious, and so are you"

To that phrase, I'd like to ask.. If life is precious, then why? What are the things that makes life precious? If this life was lost, what would it mean? (Please don't get me wrong. I am in no way about to kill myself. I'm quite mentally stable *grins*). But back to the question, why?

When is the word precious used? In "Lord of the Rings", precious was used to describe the ring. It is something valuable to someone. Something you won't want to lose. Of all things, life is the one we say is precious. The one we find valuable and not want to lose. We are living a life now of school, work, money, family, then death. Does that make life precious?

If that is not so for you, please don't start to be suicidal! Let me bring forth another question first. To whom is our life precious to?

When you make something nice, it is precious to you. In the same way, God, who created all of us, (and it was a great job too!) sees us as precious to Him. Sometimes we wonder why Christians say we have to worship this one God only. Well, lets just say that God was really the only Creator, and that we are all precious to Him, wouldn't He want us to be part of His goodness, follow Him, and worship Him? Just like a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord, God has compassion on those who love Him...

Quite a number of questions here. Its something to think about.

g r a c e
9:47 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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