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Tuesday, March 07, 2006


This is more like a personal sharing...

Lately, I have not been having the best experiences... Is that an honor? Some of you would already know.. It's got to do with the lab. Two weeks in a row in microbio lab, my bottles of agar that was being equilibrated to 45 degrees were taken away by another person and I had to re-melt the agar because the other bottle left in the water bath was not completely melted!! Last week my rubber pump and squirt bottle were missing at the start and in the midst of my experiment. Thankfully in those few situations, the results achieved for the experiments were alright. And my squirt bottle and pump were returned in the end.. Don't know who returned those to me. Maybe they had legs. haha! Well, my only regret then was that each time those happened I would simply lose control and make a lot of noise. (No, I did not scream and shout, but just some mumbling and complaints) The rage that built up in me was so strong because of the fact that I felt that all these was so unfair. But all I wanted was the person to just return my my stuff so I didn't have to feel so lost and dumb!

Today another thing happened. Was doing an experiment and needed help with setting up a reflux condenser for heating my sample. And I had the help of the lab tech. Erm.. In the midst of it, someone spilled my sample on the table and I had to redo it all over again. Well, no point crying over spilt milk. So I just had to re-do. In the end, I was the last to finish the experiment. At most second last. But I really thank God, as this incident was taken in much more peacefully. My lab partner also asked me why these things keep happening to me. Ah well, I'm getting used to it. And for today, I thank God for the peace in spite of the unfair situation again..

These are just my lab related unfair incidences. It just reached a point where I have never had so many bad things happening to me in a sem in the lab sessions before. But I'm thankful for these incidences as they have thought me to be peaceful, and to rely on God that things will be fine in spite of unfair situations... :D

g r a c e
7:52 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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