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Saturday, July 29, 2006

a reason

Today went through stuff with my preceptor. She pretended to be the patient.. Chen May was saying she would ask a lot of things already, so I was a little afriad. Through that session, I became more aware of the purpose of differerent products on the shelf. A customer once asked why we had so many kinds of products, and they were confusing to her. The answer is simple. There's so many kinds of symptoms we can experience in just a cold. And these can be managed by using different products for different symptoms. There are also what we call combination products that contain more than one active ingredient, so that this one product alone can help manage more than one symptom. This is useful especially for people who are watching their sugar level.

As I thought again about what to keep in my house next time if I had enough money to have a range of medicines at home, I realised that it was quite a number of the things in the pharmacy only items cupboard. As in, not just for myself, but for others as well. And from there, it struck me that there's a purpose for everything. Things which we think exists for nothing and is just taking up space.. there's a purpose for that too!

So that is the church my friends. One of the things about the church is that there are many kinds of people in the church. Misunderstandings may happen due to different perspective in life and the way things are handled... and all sorts of things which may cause people to say that these people part of the church are hypocrites. However, after seeing different kinds of people in church, and having my fair share of complaints, I realised why these people still exist within the church.

It's the very reason why I am part of the church. It's because Christ had forgiven each and everyone of our sins by His dying on the cross, thus paying the price for our wrongs. If Christ could accept all of us and call us to Him, who am I to reject those who want to come into His kingdom? The reason why they're here in the church is because of the love of God. I believe that if they really seek God and do not harden their hearts, they will be changed. And with time, so would I, who so often, find it hard to love, and accept some others.

Well, there's a reason for everything, for everyone, for every situation....

g r a c e
12:28 AM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


This morning I woke up a little late and went to work without breakfast. Then went to macdonalds to get a sausage mcmuffin. The aunty asked me if I wanted to have it with a drink as that would cost me $2, rather than $2.40 if I bought just the sausage mcmuffin. It was advertised as $2 for sausagemcmuffin+coffee see.. and I didn't know it could come with other drinks. Then she suggested milk, and so I took the milk in place of the coffee. And paid $2 just the same!!!!!! Was really thankful. Had a satisfying breakfast and a fruitful day.

Oh yea, have learnt quite a number of stuff from the customers coming into the shop. If not for them, I would not have learnt about the existance of certain products. And like what boss says its seeing what we learn in theory apply in people's lives. :)

g r a c e
9:06 PM

Monday, July 10, 2006

more on the attachment

As of now, we can happily say we've kinda mastered cashiering. haha. Initially I have had mistakes made due to my blurness. But it got settled and I'm thankful for that. We're also helping out with stock take, and in this time as we stand at the shelves and write down what products are there, customers actually do realize that we work there and ask us more questions. At least that's what I felt. Being so small size, sometimes I feel so unnoticed at the shop. And it was worse last week when the customer asked me something and when I couldn't answer she was so terribly disappointed and brushed me aside. That felt a little erm.. But it isn't a big thing. So its ok.

Have to admit that there's still so much we don't know. But at least, I feel I've gained a certain level of confidence to approach customers and ask them the question people ask in retail.. "Can I help you?"

During our free time we would talk to the pharmacist and she would go through topics with us. We're on to baby related stuff now. Yea.. hehe.. See, pharmacy students are trained to be mothers. hahaha.. But of course, it takes much more than knowing what to do about colic, diaper rash and stuff to be a mother.. =P

It certainly was not easy to reach the point of knowing some of these operations in the pharmacy. We made some boo boos here and there and were pretty apologetic about it. But through that we realize the importance of keeping a good eye on the products, and to be alert at all times, even when we're tired. Am also thankful for the many second chances we were given in spite of our mistakes. The patience of those around us sure was helpful...

And Jiavui if you read this, I really agree with you that when you are able to share something with the customer, it feels good. haha. Not that I'm trying to build up my ego or gain their acceptance. But it is just good to help someone make their decision by letting them know more than they knew before. At least they won't waste their money buying the wrong thing and regret it later. So its really good! :)

g r a c e
6:25 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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