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Monday, May 21, 2007

The past few months...

The greatest miracle I've experienced in the past few months was....

not that I had made it (or at times barely made it) through the tests

not that I had survived the exams (though the results are probably er... hmm.. I don't know what it is. Feels scary to see it this friday)

rather, it was that I've learnt that even at times when friendships seem impossible to be healed, they still can be patched back. It's not worked out just by a few sessions of heart to heart talk. But its also through a journey of accepting each other and working with each other co-operatively with lots of appreciation and encouragement for one another. Even when disagreement comes, it is not dealt with in anger. Sounds too idealistic? It happened to me. And it happened pretty unexpectedly. The result was that it really freed me from bitterness and resentment.

I think the past week of attachment has been wonderful for the simple reason that my peers doing the attachment with me at the outpatient pharmacy have been encouraging towards one another. We all know we're still learning, and we are also sharing information with each other. For that, I'm grateful. Even if I have made mistakes, and at times do not remember stuff (In fact, its many times), and come home tired.... I'm thankful for wonderful friends...

If there's anything I could thank God for that I'd say is a miracle at this point, it would be to build long-lasting, and loving (the selfless and unconditional kind) relationships. For that would simply be like what God had intended all human relationships to be.

Because I love God, I ought to show it by loving the people around too.
It's not easy all the time. That's why its a miracle.

g r a c e
6:48 PM


b o u t M e

Grace, grass, gracie, gracia...How else have I been known?

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